Announcing FETE round table.
One case - Three Therapies.
The Federation for Existential Therapy in Europe (FETE) proudly presents the FETE-round table at the 3rd World Congress of Existential Therapy (Athens, 3-6th May 2023):
One Case - Three Therapies.
Erik Craig, Emmy van Deurzen and Alfried Längle.
Daseinsanalyse, Existential-Phenomenological Therapy, and Existential Analysis are three well established forms of existential therapy. Three highly esteemed therapists (Erik Craig, Emmy van Deurzen and Alfried Längle) will in a live interaction demonstrate their unique ways of working with a client.
After the demonstrations, these three experts will comment on their ways of working, inviting to a dialogue on more theoretical and philosophical differences and overlaps between these three approaches.
Not to be missed!
I hope to see you in Athens,
Peter Donders
Chair FETE